Christmas Eve, Boxing Day & N.Y.E
Christmas Eve, Boxing Day & N.Y.E Dining in Style!
Our Christmas Eve, Boxing Day & N.Y.E menu will include a combination of lots of lovely Christmas dishes, A la Carte dishes as well as local Game, catering for all tastes.
Christmas Eve opening hours are as usual – 12 – 2.30 pm for lunch and 5.30 – 8 pm for dinner.
Boxing Day & New Years Eve, we’re serving from 12 noon, with last orders at 3.30pm, to enable our hard working team time to celebrate and let their hair down! The Restaurant offers 2 sittings, with 2 hours at the table for each sitting.
We hope that this will be an opportunity for those of you who can’t spend Christmas Day with loved ones, to still come out and be together as close to the day as possible!
All meat supplied by award winning Butchers, Keith Aldersons of Bridgnorth, with Game from local estates within a few miles.